Etsy for November 2016

Well It has been about a month since Etsy stopped the Treasuries. I thought I would see how things went since now they are gone. Well, at this time there seems to be much silence. Very few emails now and the way I have to promote is much different. I have chosen to go to different shops every week and find some newer shops to promote. I have handmade lists that I use to promote these shops. I try to go through all the lists and delete the ones that have sold that week. One list in particular is for Christmas gifts. I have many of my regulars (shop owners who have become friends) in which I continue to promote each week. I also use Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, and now Instagram more so than ever before. I also am going to the teams and promoting more and even considering starting my own, but not sure what I would call it. It is harder, more difficult to get an item promoted all these different ways. Instagram is new to me, I tried to understand it in the past, but had no such luck. Now, I downloaded it on my tablet and I am working at promoting my shop out there. It is harder though. Much more work for me to do it anymore. 
Another feature I also figured out were the shop updates that I was trying to do but had a difficult time. Now with the tablet it is easier. 

All in all, I still miss the treasuries and feeling special and spoiled by other shops more so. But, life goes on. I did send a couple of requests to Etsy support to get them to allow us to buy items from our shop payment account. If an item is sold and there is money sitting there waiting to go to our bank, why not buy something from this money at Etsy too. More sales would happen all the way around. Then there was the request to add PayPal to where our money can go into. I love PayPal and it is frustrating having to have it all put in our bank account at this time.

Once again my shops are

I have new things in each shop. Check them out


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