Well It has been about a month since Etsy stopped the Treasuries. I thought I would see how things went since now they are gone. Well, at this time there seems to be much silence. Very few emails now and the way I have to promote is much different. I have chosen to go to different shops every week and find some newer shops to promote. I have handmade lists that I use to promote these shops. I try to go through all the lists and delete the ones that have sold that week. One list in particular is for Christmas gifts. I have many of my regulars (shop owners who have become friends) in which I continue to promote each week. I also use Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, and now Instagram more so than ever before. I also am going to the teams and promoting more and even considering starting my own, but not sure what I would call it. It is harder, more difficult to get an item promoted all these different ways. Instagram is new to me, I tried to understand it in the past, but had no such ...