
Showing posts from June, 2016

Streetcrossing Hobbybox: Etsy Shop: June 13th, 2016. Etsy shop

Streetcrossing Hobbybox: Etsy Shop: June 13th, 2016. Etsy shop : I started making a few little funky items for my shop. I made a chenille crafting stick cross that turned out to go onto a necklace first. T...

June 13th, 2016. Etsy shop

I started making a few little funky items for my shop. I made a chenille crafting stick cross that turned out to go onto a necklace first. Then the second one I made after great thought, I made into a bookmark for kids. Just a really weird funky looking cross, but hey it works.  Anyhow these are the 2 newest items that I made for my Etsy shop. Please shop at my shop and buy, buy, buy. God Bless Tata till next time.